Sunday, January 26, 2020
Cultuur en Opvoeding
Cultuur en Opvoeding Interculturele Pedagogiek Extra opdracht Beoordeling Cultuur en opvoeding Cultuur en Opvoeding. Een recensie over het boek van Lotty Eldering. De discussie over het multiculturele karakter van de Nederlandse samenleving keert herhaaldelijk terug. Eà ©n van de redenen hiervoor is de toename van immigranten en vluchtelingen uit niet-westerse landen naar Nederland. Prof. dr. Lotty Eldering, emeritus hoogleraar Interculturele Pedagogiek aan de Universiteit Leiden, heeft vijfentwintig jaar lang onderzoek gedaan onder allochtone gezinnen. Naar aanleiding van dit onderzoek heeft ze begin 2002 een overzichtwerk geschreven, waarin aandacht wordt besteed aan zowel de huidige (opvoedings-)situatie van allochtone ouders en kinderen, als hun voorgeschiedenis en de daarbij behorende cultuur als hun verdere leefsituatie. Dit boek heet Cultuur en Opvoeding. Interculturele pedagogiek vanuit ecologisch perspectief. Niet eerder was er een studieboek verschenen over het onderwerp interculturele pedagogiek. Lotty Eldering is een van de eerste schrijfsters die zulk grondige informatie verschafte over de nieuw bevolkingsgroepen die in Nederland binnenkomen. Het doel van dit boek is het bij te dragen aan het tot stand komen van een beter inzicht in de culturele orià «ntatie en sociale positie van allochtone ouders en jeugdigen. Daarnaast is het de bedoeling de culturele sensitiviteit, ten opzicht van deze mensen, van haar lezers te vergroten. Het boek is bestemd voor een groot publiek, namelijk studenten en docenten die zich willen verdiepen in de opvoeding en leefwijze van allochtone jongeren, praktijkwerkers, onderzoekers en anderen die behoefte hebben aan kennis en inzicht van cultuur op de opvoeding. Daarnaast is het ook handig als naslagwerk te gebruiken. In Cultuur en opvoeding wordt de manier van opvoeden van allochtonen in Nederland duidelijk besproken, zodat je er een goed beeld van kan vormen. Telkens wordt hierbij ook gesproken over de islamitische en de hindoestaanse manier van opvoeden. De religie en tradities van deze groepen worden hierbij ook behandeld om een beeld te krijgen hoe zich dit in de Nederlandse samenleving inpast. Ook wordt hier een vergelijking gemaakt met de Nederlandse gewoontes en de christelijke opvoeding. Nederland wordt hier gezien als multiculturele samenleving, door toename van het aantal immigranten en vluchtelingen die afkomstig zijn uit niet-westerse samenlevingen. Wat hier allemaal bij komt kijken wordt beschreven te samen met de waarden en normen in Nederland. Eldering schrijft vanuit een ecologisch perspectief. Dit perspectief gaat er van uit dat de sociale en culturele context van het gezin, de omgeving, grote invloed heeft op de opvoeding en ontwikkeling van het kind. Tot nu toe is het ecologisch raamwerk voornamelijk gebruikt bij het bestuderen van een stereoculturele omgeving en niet, zoals Eldering doet, bij het bestuderen van kinderen die opgroeien in een multiculturele samenleving. Eldering beschrijft kritisch het ecologische model en het developmental niche model (ontwikkelingsgebieden) van respectievelijk Bronfenbrenner Harkness en Super. Cultuur en opvoeding geeft de informatie erg beschrijvend weer. Het leven van allochtonen in Nederland wordt beschreven en geÃÆ'à ¯llustreerd aan de hand van voorbeelden in aparte kaders. Door het boek loopt over het algemeen een goed volgbare rode draad die de lezer langs al die aspecten leidt. De indeling van het boek verloopt op een logische manier, van het grote algemene (wat zijn allochtonen, waar komen ze vandaan) naar het meer uitgewerkte (hoe wordt er opgevoed, welk risico- en probleemgedrag komen er voor). Doordat de voorgeschiedenis en de cultuur in de landen van herkomst, van de allochtonen gezinnen die in dit boek worden behandeld, eerst toe te lichten kom je tot een beter beeld van deze gezinnen. Ook verklaard dit veel van wat er in de rest van het boek volgt. Deze twee punten hebben namelijk nog steeds invloed op zowel de opvoeding als de andere dagelijkse dingen in de allochtone gezinnen wanneer deze in Nederland wonen. Na een voorwoord van de schrijfster zelf, volgt een inleiding over de interculturele pedagogiek en het gebruik van dit boek. Hierin worden drie theoretische perspectieven, namelijk het ecologische model (invloed omgeving op de opvoedingssituatie), historisch en vergelijkend en acculturatie (dichterbij elkaar komen van mensen uit verschillende culturen) en cultuurverschillen, genoemd die gebruikt zijn in dit boek als richtlijnen. In hoofdstuk 2 worden de identificatiecriteria, herkomst en migratie van allochtonen in Nederland beschreven. De meeste aandacht gaat hier uit naar de (Creoolse en Hindoestaanse) Surinamers, de Marokkanen en de Turken. In hoofdstuk 3 gaat het om het theoretische kader. Hier worden de integratie, het multiculturalisme, het ecologische raamwerk (met hierin het ecologische model van Bronfenbrenner en de devolopment niche van Harkness en Super), de cultuur en de risicofactoren (zowel in het algemeen als speciaal voor allochtone jongeren) beschreven. De religie staat centraal in het volgende hoofdstuk. Hier worden de Islam en het HindoeÃÆ'à ¯sme verder uitgewerkt, van het ontstaan tot de komst van dit geloof in Nederland. In hoofdstuk 5 draait het om de maatschappelijke participatie en de culturele orià «ntatie van de allochtonen hier in Nederland. Hier komen onder andere de sociale positie, taal en de banden met het land van herkomst aan bod. In hoofdstuk 6 gaat het boek vervolgens verder met de crossculturele verschillen in opvoeding. Hier wordt het socialisatiemodel van Kagità §ibasi en visies op kinderen en hun ontwikkelingen behandeld en de punten opvoeding, leren en identiteit worden nader uitgelegd. In hoofdstuk 7 gaat Eldering daarop door, want hier staat de opvoeding van allochtonen gezinnen centraal. Dit is geschreven vanuit de allochtonen gezinnen (Marokkaans, Turks, Surinaams) zelf. De adolescentie is het onderwerp van hoofdstuk 8. Hier gaat het over relaties (met ouders en leeftijdsgenoten), vrije tijd en vriende n, school en werk, seksualiteit en huwelijk. In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt tot besluit de risicofactoren en het probleemgedrag behandeld. Hier gaat het over wat een belangrijke basis is wat een jongere nodig heeft, welke risicofactoren er zijn en met welke psychosociale problemen ze te maken kunnen hebben. De manier van schrijven, de indeling van het boek en de vele voorbeelden, van zowel tekst als illustraties, maken dit boek tot een leerzaam boek die ook prettig is om te lezen. Wel mist er zo nu en dan wat structuur. Wat tussen hoofdstuk 6 en hoofdstuk 7 wel duidelijk is, is tussen andere hoofdstukken sporadisch. Tussen hoofdstukà 6 en 7 is een duidelijk verband, er wordt in het eerste hoofdstuk een achtergrond geschetst voor de tweede. Vrijwel alles waar aan gedacht wordt bij het denken aan allochtone mensen in Nederland, komen aan de orde. Aspecten die hier worden bedoeld zijn bijvoorbeeld religie, manier van opvoeden, sociale positie en andere cultureel specifieke dingen. Het is een interessant boek voor diegene die geÃÆ'à ¯nteresseerd zijn in cultuurverschillen hier in Nederland. Alles bij elkaar maakt dit informatieve boek compleet.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Mahindra & Mahindra in South Africa Essay
In May 2011, Pravin Shah, the CEO at Mahindra & Mahindra, was evaluating four possible options of companyââ¬â¢s growth strategy in the South Africa. Those options included: entering into agreement with the local vendor for the contract assembly of M&M vehicles, investing in its own manufacturing plant in South Africa, using South Africa as a hub for the further export of the other countries and lastly waiting and watching until enough vehicles are sold for the sustainable long term growth. Once those options were evaluated, Shah needed to present the final chosen one to the board of directors for the final approval on the best strategy for companyââ¬â¢s growth in the South African Market. 1) Which option should Shah chose? Based on the information presented in this case (and not based on the class discussion and video presented), I would advise Shah to exercise the wait and watch strategy at a given period of time. Shah was faced with this decision in 2011, which was only a few years after the global recession took place. Even though they had an outstanding result in 2010 showing the growth of sales at 24% and making the projections for the further sustainability, that was only one year of the positive outcome compared to the years before that. During the time of the recession and specifically in years 2007 through 2009, an automotive market suffered dramatically. It was mainly due to the flow of credit and the passing of the law by the local South African government to limit further availability of credit. Solely based on the case information, it would make sense to make a projection plan for the next 3-5 year to watch the growth of the automotive market and then take additional necessary steps to further grow the companyââ¬â¢s overall expansion in the local market. Even though this option has some negative sides such as higher import duty and losing some of the market share to its competitors, in case of the declining auto market situation it could financially benefit the company. 2) What is your assessment of M&Mââ¬â¢s experience with its South African subsidiary to date? To date, Mahindra & Mahindra shows a very strong entry-level presence in the local market. In short 6 years period, they wereà able to capture the trust and loyalty of the local populations. Their strategy to manufacture and export vehicles that were suitable for local roads and, at the same time affordable for the locals, made it possible to secure the market share of 1.2% of the SUV and medium range SUV vehicles. Their localization of dealers in nine South African provinces made it possible for customers of all regions to have the direct access to the vehicle inventory. On the other hand the company faced a challenge of losing sales because of the time it took to process vehicles orders from India. 3) How attractive is the South African auto market for the growth and profitability? In the past decade or so, South Africa showed a stable economic growth among the population. Even though the growth rates are somewhat low compared to the other developing countries, it didnââ¬â¢t have any decline. With economic growth, more locals are able to afford to own a vehicle. As research study presented in the case shows, the buying power of the black African consumers, making the largest segment of the middle-income market, was rising. To the benefit of companies such as Mahindra & Mahindra, unlike white South African population, black African consumers were more open and inclined to purchase newly introduced brands to the markets. The research showed that they did not trust the local brands rather than preferred any specific European or Japanese/Korean brand. This presents a colossal opportunity for M&Mââ¬â¢ to enter the local South African market and continue its growth and profitability by securing the trust of local population. As long as company considers the growing need and affordability of the vehicle introduced in the future, they have a strong potential in further securing the larger auto market segment in the local market. 4) What potential roles can M&Mââ¬â¢s South African subsidiary play in the companyââ¬â¢s global network? With the globalization growing it is very important for international companies to be able to secure the brand within local markets. In this particular case, a South African subsidiary could potentially mean a large growth for the M&M. They would be able to shorten their delivery time and secure additional market segment by signing with the government. It would also be easier to export vehicles to other locations. The parent-subsidiary operating structure allows for greater diversificationà and increased efficiencies, partly because senior management at the parent company does not have to be involved in the operational details of its subsidiary. It would also isolate certain financial risks because the two companies are separate legal entities. 5) What should be Shahââ¬â¢s recommendation to M&Mââ¬â¢s board of directors? Shah should advise the board of directors that at the current time it would be beneficial for the company to monitor the growth/decline of the automotive market on the global scale as well as in the South African market. With the reasonable proposal to monitor for the next 3-5 years it would allow company to receive securer results for the industry. Further on, based on the collected results, the company should consider moving on to the one of the other three options: contract assembly, own manufacturing plant or use South Africa as a hub.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Essay Topics - a Brief Introduction
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Essay Topics - a Brief Introduction The ability of such a potion is a bit darker than it might seem on the surface. If that is your very first time thinking of utilizing a writing service, you are certain to have questions. An instance of the conflict can be viewed in the link provided. The differences between both threads demonstrate that the language isn't uniform with in the Harry Potter discourse community. Little did we know that if an unknown author started a string of books about a boy wizard, that the area of literature would not ever be the same! Comedy has ever been Rowling's special element. Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to select the best writing businesses. It's critical that the service you decide on knows for sure they're only selecting the ideal essay writers. I am hoping my guide to the ideal writing services has helped you to understand what a superior writing service may offer and the way to choose the very best writing service for you. Example of business plan exercise gym. Reading level also depends upon how well a little one understands the structure of language. Princes should undertake wonderful projects to better their reputation. He never truly griped about it. For now, universal acceptance and global peace seem unlikely. When you're in, you can't get out. It isn't easy to gauge the relative difficulty of switches exactly in contrast to other sorts of transfiguration because the precise year in which they're learned isn't known. It may have bought them more time if needed. The sixth year is likewise the year in which Harry and his pals start to understand how to Apparate, or to travel from one spot to another magically. First of all, it's irreversible. It resembles Harry Potter has a huge royal fan Prince Harry! Hogwarts would not ever be the same. Harry Potter is unquestionably among the most popular book collection of all time. He or she is a modern tale with mythological themes and archetypes that follows all of these functions. The story happens somewhere around London. This story isn't realistic yet it's believable and credible. It had both good and bad reviews. Over all of the plot within this story is incredibly well constructed. The Slug Club he creates at Hogwarts appears to be a terrible idea since it fosters division. If you don't locate the mix of questions that is most suitable for your class, you may also produce your own test on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Cheating in potions, naturally, with the assistance of the mysterious Half-Blood Prince.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher
As a homeschooling parent, its common to wonder if youre doing enough and teaching the right things. You may question if youre qualified to teach your childrenà and look for ways become a more effective instructor.à Two important steps to becoming aà successful homeschooling parentà are, first, not comparing your kids to their peers and, second, not allowing worry to derail your homeschooling. However, there are also some simple, practical steps you can take to improve your overall effectiveness as a homeschool teacher. Read Books Business and personal development and training expert Brian Tracy has said that if you read a book a week on the topic of your chosen field, youââ¬â¢ll be an expert within seven years.à As a homeschooling parent, you probably wont have time to get through a book a week in your personal reading, but make it a goal to read at least one homeschooling, parenting, or child development book each month. New homeschooling parents should read books on a variety of homeschooling styles, even those that dont seem as though they would be appealing toà your family. Most homeschooling parents are surprised to find that even though a particular homeschooling method doesnt fit their educational philosophy as a whole, there are almost always bits of wisdom and helpful tips they can apply. The key is to look for those key takeaway ideas and discardââ¬âwithout guiltââ¬âthe authors suggestionsà that dont appeal to you. For example, you may love most ofà Charlotte Masons philosophies, but short lessons dont work for your family. You find that changing gears every 15 to 20 minutes gets your kids completely off-track. Take the Charlotte Mason ideas that work and skip the short lessons. Do you envy road-schoolers? Read the book Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith. Even if your family isnt on the go more than one or two days each week, you can still pick up useful tips for making the most of your time in the car, such as using audio books and CDs.à Try one of these must-readà books for homeschooling parents: A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine LevisonHomeschooling the Early Years by Linda DobsonThe Relaxed Home School by Mary HoodThe Unschooling Handbook by Mary GriffithThe Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer In addition to books about homeschooling, read child development and parenting books. After all, schooling is only one small aspect of homeschooling and should not beà the part that defines your family as a whole. Child development books help you understand the common milestones for childrens mental, emotional, and academic stages. Youll be better equipped to set reasonable goals and expectations for your childs behavior and social and academic skills. Author Ruth Beechick is an excellent source of information on child development for homeschooling parents. Take Professional Development Courses Nearly every industry has opportunities for professional development. Why should homeschooling be any different? Itââ¬â¢s wise to take advantage of available opportunities to learn new skills and tried-and-true tricks of your trade. If your local homeschool support group invites special speakers for meetings and workshops, make time to attend. Other sources of professional development for homeschooling parents are as follows: Homeschool conventions. Most homeschool conventions feature workshops and expert speakers in addition to curriculum sales. Presenters are usually curriculum publishers, homeschooling parents, and speakers and leaders in their respective fields. These qualifications make them excellent sources of information and inspiration. Continuing education classes. Local community colleges are an ideal resource for professional development. Investigate theirà on-campus and online continuing education courses. Perhaps a college algebra course would help you brush up on your math skills to help you more effectively teach your teen. A child development course can help parents of young children gain a better understanding of which topics and tasks are developmentally appropriate for their children. Maybeà the courses you choose to take have no direct correlation to what youââ¬â¢re teaching in your homeschool. Instead, they serve to make you a more educated, well-rounded individual and offer you the opportunity to model for your children the concept the learning never stops. Itââ¬â¢s meaningful for kids to see their parents valuing education in their own lives and following their dreams. Homeschool curriculum. Many curriculum options feature material to instruct parents on the mechanics of teaching the subject. Some examples are WriteShop,à Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Brave Writer. In both, the teacherââ¬â¢s manual is instrumental in teaching the curriculum. If the curriculum youre using features side notes, an introduction, or an appendix for parents, take advantage of these opportunities to increase your understanding of the subject matter. Other homeschooling parents. Spend time with other homeschooling parents. Get together with a group of moms for a monthly moms night out. While these events are often perceived as simply a social outlet for homeschooling parents, talk inevitably turns to educational concerns.à Other parents can be a wonderful source of resources and ideas you hadnt considered. Think of these gatherings as networking with a mastermind group. You might also consider combining a homeschool parent meeting with reading about your field (homeschooling and parenting). Start a monthly homeschool parents book club for the purpose of reading and discussing books on homeschooling methods and trends, child development, and parenting strategies.à Educate Yourself on Your Studentââ¬â¢s Needs Many homeschool parents feel ill-equipped to home educate their child with learning differences such as dysgraphia or dyslexia. Parents of gifted students may think that they cant offer their children adequate academic challenges. These feelings of inadequacy may extend to parents of children with autism, sensory processing issues, ADD, ADHD, or those with physical or emotional challenges. However, a well-informed parent is often better equipped than a teacher in a crowded classroom setting to meet a childââ¬â¢s needs through one-on-one interaction and a customized education plan. Marianne Sunderland, a homeschooling mom of seven dyslexic children (and one child who does not have dyslexia), has taken courses, read books, and researched, educating herself about dyslexia to more effectively teach her own children. She says, ââ¬Å"Homeschooling not only works, it is the best option for educating kids who donââ¬â¢t learn by traditional methods.â⬠This concept of educating yourself goes back to the suggestion to readà books on topics related to your chosen field. Consider your childs unique learning needs to be your chosen field.à You may not have seven years available before your student graduates to become an expert in a particular area, but through research, learning about his needs, and working one-on-one with him daily, you can become an expert on your child. You dont have to have a special-needs child to take advantage of self-education. If you have a visual learner, research the best methods for teaching her.à If you have a child with a passion for a topic about which you know nothing, take time to learn about it. Thisà self-education will help you help your child capitalize on interest in the subject.
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